22 Weird And Hilarious Design Fails

There are some such weird and hilarious designs that it’s impossible not to share them.

Here is more about design fails.

1. “The worst place for an output”

design fails© robinwarior / reddit

2. “This handle blocks me from unlocking the door.”

© KonnBonn23 / reddit

3. “This light switch that’s basically in the shower of our new house”

design fails© Timely-Bumblebee-402 / reddit

4. “An everyday, normal door”

© blackbukra / reddit

5. “Everything is wrong with that bike lane.”

design fails© Only_Refrigerator_51 / reddit

6. “I’m not a native English speaker, but I’m quite sure it makes no sense.”

© escobar-escobar / reddit

7. “The snap band skateboard at a dollar store”

design fails© Oakhold_Cheerios / reddit

8. “This is a virtual guide at a children’s museum.”

© Jmiller13202 / reddit

9. “I don’t know what to say about how terrible this design is.”

design fails© Memer***-3000 / reddit

10. “Up, please!”

© partchman / reddit

11. “Almost…”

design fails© coot32 / reddit

12. “Always ’the on stand right’ when going up an escalator…”

© IDRIS_S786 / reddit

13. “This bike lane with large planters right in the middle, leaving almost no room for cyclists.”

design fails© taramichelly / reddit

14. These traffic lights…

© lukeflobawob / reddit

15. “This tiny toilet”

design fails© Impressive-Grocery89 / reddit

16. “This door missing a cut-out window behind the metal bars”

© Jcaseykcsee / reddit

17. “Half and half radiator…”

design fails© gilly196 / reddit

18. “At least they can’t see your face.”

© EndersGame_Reviewer / reddit

19. “A modern classic — thankfully the front cover wasn’t the same as this.”

design fails© DAZ4518 / reddit

20. “These bathroom mirrors turn shaving into a game of Tetris.”

© EndersGame_Reviewer / reddit

21. “My glasses came with instructions.”

design fails© w***keypicnic / reddit

22. “Have you ever seen such a Pikachu?”

© Abject_Listen_2472 / reddit

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