If you urinate in the shower, be careful, you should know that
Cystitis is a bacterial infection of the urinary system.
It is more common in women; around 20% of women experience at least one episode of cystitis in their lifetime.
The reason it is more common in women than in men is due to the urethra; in women, it is shorter,
so bacteria travel a shorter distance. That’s why it’s important to maintain proper hygiene.This condition is often transmitted through contact with another person
Luckily, we managed to stretch our budget and pulled off a feast.
The turkey came out golden and juicy, the mashed potatoes were fluffy, and Ethan’s favorite pumpkin pie was chilling in the fridge. I was proud of what we’d accomplished despite rising prices.
Everything seemed fine until dinner. Ethan sat at the table, unusually quiet while staring at his plate. That kid often bounces with excitement for Thanksgiving.
“Sweetie,” I said gently, trying not to sound worried, “you’re not eating. Is everything okay?”
He shrugged, barely looking up. “I’m not hungry,” he mumbled.Mark shot me a questioning look across the table. I shrugged back, unsure what was going on.
Our son was not the kind of kid to hold back if something was bothering him, but with my mom at the table, maybe he didn’t feel like talking.